Eskdale Junior School
Special Educational Needs and Disability
Eskdale Junior School supports a whole-school approach to special needs and disability where the teaching staff, parents, children and governors co-ordinate their efforts for the benefit of the children. The education provided is aimed at serving the individual needs of the “whole child”.
For more information about the school approach to supporting pupils with special needs, please see the documents below.
Please also see the Nottinghamshire link below for more information.
Mrs J Bennett
School SENDco
How we adapt the curriculum for SEND pupils
We use a range of strategies to support SEND pupils to access the curriculum. The documents below detail examples of the adaptations that are made to support pupils in class.
- Adaptive Teaching - Art.pdf
- Adaptive Teaching - Computing.pdf
- Adaptive Teaching - Design Technology.pdf
- Adaptive Teaching - Geography.pdf
- Adaptive Teaching - History.pdf
- Adaptive Teaching - Maths.pdf
- Adaptive Teaching - Music.pdf
- Adaptive Teaching - P.E.pdf
- Adaptive Teaching - PSHE.pdf
- Adaptive Teaching - R.E.pdf
- Adaptive teaching - Reading and Writing
- Adaptive Teaching - Science.pdf
- Adaptive Teaching - Spanish.pdf
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